
Loose The Rope-Now or Never!

In this generation,most of the people want to feel being loved and start searching for love but instead of searching it,you should know that you should start loving yourself first.Nobody deserves your love more than you.Start loving yourself the way want to feel being loved instead of expecting it from anyone else.It’s the expecations that hurt you more than people.So just go with flow of life instead of imaging things.

”It’s always in cage of mind which leads you to prison of expectations.”

It’s mostly the first love that breaks your heart.That changes your life completely.Either you go for evil path and choose drugs,sex relation,anything that could distract your mind or you go for spiritual path where you can learn to control your emotions and start searching for peace.It all depends upon you.

Some move on in days and some can’t move on easily.But I think if the realtion was true then “NOBODY MOVES ON”.Memory always come back in thoughts but it’s upto you how much you can get affected from it.

Suffer from pain until pain can’t make you suffer again.”

Pain will give you failures in life that’s for sure but at the end of it,you will reliaze what you love in life.No one can see the art the way an artist see,the same way in everyone eyes the definition of love is different.Some tells it’s the most beautiful feeling so start running after it and some tells it‘s the most scariest feeling that can destroy you so start running away from it.It depends on how you were treated by the person you loved because nobody can destroy you the way that person can.

Every phase of life is going to you give you damage and scars but always remember to heal yourself first otherwise you will bleed on people who never gave you a cut.Atlast you will glow and mature differently.You will definitely find a person that will fit in your holes but until then explore the things you love.When you will find that person you will reliaze that,”Love is not only about loving other person,Love is a feeling where you will start caring for yourself more and find peace with someone.”

There are 7billion people for a person who gave you wounds but your parents have only you so decide wisely.

”We mature with damage,not with the years.”

Old school

बचपन की मोहब्बत को दिल से न जुदा करना
जब याद मेरी आए मिलने की दुआ करना

“In this generation most of the people are trying to get realtionship advise through social media platform(eg.reels,movies,poems,poets etc…)but one can get best realtionship advise through their mom and dad.They show us the real value of love.They handle their parents,friends,children,business but still at the end of the day their love don’t get less.

They don’t need to post their love on social media but still world can see it from our parents happy faces.They fight sometimes as not everyday is same happy day but they know the concept of “Listen,Talk,Communicate” long before we were even born.They know how to keep 7 vows but I can see infinty vows they keep.Love is not about suffering at all,it just needs a corrrect person to make you feel like it.

Instead of learning modern love,learn to love like old school love from our parents.”